
Extended unemployment benefits  -  Yes, we need to extend these benefits to the individuals that are trying to find work and support their families.   If for no other reason than that is a moral obligation to assist those in need.    However, we can do this without raising the debt simply by reducing that individual’s future benefit pool in social security. 

National Debt    -  
First, no one wants to increase the National debt.  No one.  So it’s really easy to stand up as a candidate and take that stand and truly mean it.  The difficult part is the follow up.  If we have less revenue coming in either through less tax revenue because of a down economy or tax cuts, then you either have to raise taxes for a different group, raise the debt on hopes of future revenue increases, OR cut government programs.   Here’s the hard part.  When citizens are asked what programs to cut, no one is willing to come up with a good option.   Do we cut the military spending?  Entitlements like Medicare or Social Security?   This requires some very hard choices and some strong leadership in Congress.  

Entitlements - To reduce the debt, we will have to adjust the age for retirement benefits for the younger workers, possibly cap benefits for those that have other income sources, and consider additional more creative changes that will not be popular to anyone but are necessary to keep the debt from spiraling even higher. 

End the Wars – We are participating in two occupations that experts have stated cannot be won.  Let’s get our troops out as
quickly and safely as possible.   Our national security would be better served by rebuilding infrastructure like schools, electrical grids, and hospitals in these countries then through military force.

Health Care Reform -
Focus on prevention and improved general health at lower costs to reduce the need for higher cost expense for care after chronic disease has established in individuals.   

Immigration Reform  -  
We all have frustration about the numbers of undocumented individuals here and know that the system is broken, but we cannot expect a solution that removes an estimated 11M people from our country without destroying communities, peoples’ life’s, and collapsing the economy further.   

Financial Aspect:     
Business – People will not come if they can’t get work.   Correct the system and loopholes that allow businesses to hire these individuals without the ability to pay taxes. 
Identity Theft – We need stronger enforcement and penalties for individuals that provide falsified IDs and social security numbers to undocumented workers.   And remove the need to use them by allowing for guest workers in our system.
Guest worker program – Temporary workers need access to short term work visas that offer them legal opportunity to employment and protection under the labor laws, and businesses need access to seasonal and specialized workers.

People Aspect:
Children – There needs to be special attention paid to the situation of individuals brought to America as young children or born to undocumented individuals on US soil.  These people are here as no direct action of their own and should not be held as criminals.

Foreign Aspect
Work with Mexico’s government and businesses to nurture an environment where their citizens can obtain employment, support their families, have improved safety, and build their economy without feeling like their only option is to leave their country for better opportunities.

Border Security:
A wall does not keep people from crossing; it only provides a false sense of security.  Correct public policy is required for any real form of security.  We need to work with Mexico’s government to assist and strengthen their secuity agencies.  Re-evaluate the failed policy of the ‘war on drugs’.

Thank you for reading!